Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fantastic at Finale

Congratulations to the EHS girls X-C team on a great JV finale. The rain out was worth the wait. Almost everyone had huge PR's.

In the JV race Brigette Hoover took the title in 23:03. Kayla Houseman was 10th.

In the Fr/So. Race Emily Firsching was tops in 22:33. Abbey Frese was 5th, Breanna McDonald 7th, Chloe Marth with a 2:18 PR was 10th, Chelsea Fee was 14th and Zshakira Campbell was 18th.

All runners medaled.

Congratulations on a successful season.

Next up. The I.H.S.A. Regional at East Alton Wood River's Belk Park this Saturday, October 21st. The bus for the meet leaves at 8:00a.m.

Coach C