Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peoria Woodruff Invitational

Cross Country

Peoria Woodruff Invitational – Saturday, September 13th

Location – Detweiller Park, Peoria, IL (this is the state cross country course)

Bus Departure – 5:50am (behind EHS)
- Bathroom break half-way to Peoria
Arrive at Course – 9:00am

Girls Varsity Race – 11:00am
Girls Open Race – Noon

Lunch at the Course after our race

Return Home – Approx. 5:00/6:00pm?

Driving Directions
Take Interstate 55 North to Lincoln, IL
Take Interstate 155 North from Lincoln, it splits off 55 to your left (signs will say Peoria)
Take Interstate 74 West (155 ends) you must take 74 either east or west (Take West)
(Signs will say Peoria)
Drive West on Interstate 74 until you reach Peoria
Cross the Illinois River
Exit at Adams Street (Illinois Route 29)
Drive North approx. 7 miles
The park/course is on the west side/left side of Route 29

What Should I Bring?
Running shoes, spikes, socks, uniform, healthy snacks for the bus ride, water and/or sports drink for the bus ride up, homework, warm-weather clothes, cold-weather clothes, rain-weather clothes

T-shirts (optional) will be sold at the invitational for $15.00