Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Carbondale Itinerary


12:05 p.m. Head to Locker Room
12:20p.m. Depart for Carbondale
3:00p.m. Approximate Arrival Time/Doors Open
Unload, Bathroom, Set up camp, stretch legs
4:00p.m. Events Report (55 Dash, LJ, HJ, PV, & SP)
4:30p.m. 55 & Field Events Begin
9:00p.m. Approximate end of the meet
11:45p.m. Approximate arrival time back at EHS

Travel Party
Coaches: Cunningham, Williams, & Chapman

Athletes: Brumbaugh, Coley, Oceguera, Kates, Baumgartner, Simmons, Farache, O’Brian, Purnell, Stach, Bateman, C. Smith, Heidbrink, Hodge, Saunders, Speicher, Kantner, Howard, Vuagniaux, K. Smith, Hoover, Stepherson, Umbaugh, Bevis, T. Frese (25 Total)

T-Shirts 1st Place
Ribbons for 2nd – 6th

There will be t-shirts for sale.

We will be bringing food and drinks, and there is a concession stand.

Phone List & Other Business


A phone list should have come home with your child on Monday, February 27th. The list contains the numbers of all team members as well as contact information for the coaching staff. If you did not receive this, please check with your child and see that they bring one home.

Most of the t-shirt money and donations have been received. Let's try to finish that up this week as the first meet is on the horizon this Friday. Friday will be the first of two indoor meets (Fri, March 3rd & Saturday, March 11th). Mostly returning varsity and those who worked over the winter will be going to these meets as slots are limited. There will be many non varsity competitions in which all team members will be eligible to compete. The first of those will take place on Thursday, March 16th at home vs. Jerseyville. Hope to see you there.

Coach Cunningham

Monday, February 20, 2006

T-Shirt/Donation Information

Dear Track & Field Parent(s) or Guardian(s):

As the season is nearly upon us we have several items upcoming that the athletes will need to pay for.

Our t-shirts have been ordered for the year. I was able to obtain a sponsorship from Bipod so it lowered the traditional cost of the t-shirt. Each athlete will need to pay $5 if they have not already done so. We are about $100 in the hole right now from t-shirts.

We had a successful fundraiser week last week, raising about $400.

If you did not contribute to the fundraising effort, you may donate $10-$20 to the program. You may send donation with your child or make a check payable to EHS. On the memo line put Girls Track & Field or purchase an item(s) from the list below for use at meets and practices throughout the season.

The season if finally upon us. Our first meet is in 11 days (Fri, March 3rd Carbondale). I look forward to it being an exciting season and to seeing many of you at the meets.


John L .Cunningham
EHS Girls Track & Field
(618) 656-7100 ext. 20790 (Work)
(314) 630-0634 (Cell)

Meet/Practice Items
Cups (Paper)
Powdered Gatorade
Bars (Granola, Nutrigrain, Quaker, etc…)
Individual Packages of Fruit Snacks, Pretzels, etc…
Peanut Butter Crackers
Anything else you can think of. Keep it healthy.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Test Page for 2006 Girls Track

Are we up and running?